Wednesday, January 15, 2025

That Demographic

For Christmas I asked for, and received, a portable CD/DVD reader to attach to my laptop. My previous laptop had a CD/DVD drive built in, but that laptop aged out. My new laptop, purchased a few years ago, does not contain this type of drive. Apparently, other people, particularly in my demographic group had the same desire or need for a portable CD/DVD reader. 

I do genealogy and other related things, and I was trying to straighten up and organize all my genealogy ephemera, photos and the like. I also came across old CD's or DVD's which are marked, but not detailed, so I really have no idea what is actually stored on them and if they made the way to the hard drive on this computer, or a portable hard drive. They could also be copies of something from the hard drive. Hence, my desire for the DVD reader. My wife got me the DVD device for Christmas, but had checked with our oldest son who works for Best Buy Corporate, mainly leading television sales, but being a millennial, he knows exactly what to recommend. Anyway, to help out one of the Best Buy retail stores, and as a team building exercise my son and his team worked at a retail store for one day. This makes a lot of sense to me, kind of like an architect should know how to use a hammer. When I opened the gift and thanked my wife who gave me the gift. Our son noted that when he worked at the store, during Christmas shopping period, he had about twelve men, yes all men, in my demographic (generally 65 to 75 or so) desiring the same product. Not only that, they generally wanted it for the same reasons--genealogy research and/or review stored photographs. 

I know I am average in terms of size, intelligence, capabilities, and what not, but know I have to add interests into the mix, too. Yet, this shows something larger. Twelve older men, with the same interest, all on the same day. Twelve older men at the same store on the same day, desiring the same item for the same two reasons. This is proof that us Baby Boomers still have weight in the retail sector. Albeit a desire for an outdated technology, but such devices are still produced because a market remains, and it is apparently related to us old folks who desire to find out what is on DVD's or CD's that they have laying around. 

The move from DVD/CD to thumb drives is all part of creative destruction, technological changes that make older items or ideas out dated. I suppose there are generation Z (1997-2012) and Alpha (said to be 2010 or 2013 to 2024, years vary depending on whom you ask). Alpha makes no sense, since it is only a 11 year time span. Has cultural change occurred that quickly, or some marketing person decided what to do? Anyway I am sure some members of these generation groups have no idea what a CD or DVD is. Maybe I will need to ask my neighbor kid who was born in 2011. Blockbuster store went out of business over ten years ago, in 2014. 2010 is the year the I-Pad was launched. It is also hard to find a person that uses a desktop computer anymore. I recall, the early days of computers being in offices, and there was a limit on file names to eight characters. That is because they could take up too much space on the hard drive, which required the use of floppy discs. Back then hard drive capacity was measured in kilobytes, now we have megabytes. Of course, prevalent today is "cloud" storage which causes massive server facilities which require cooling 24/7/365 and not only devour significant amounts of electricity, but also water used for cooling. Our interconnected world, through the internet, is amazing, but has lead to hacking. Even the US Treasury Dept servers were hacked by the Chinese. It wonders how much they have hacked and people do not know. 

This all comes at a funny time. For example, many of us our concerned about climate change, and there is a strong desire for a decrease in carbon footprints, and conserve water, yet these large server  facilities are massive users of valued resources. When you have an outage of Wi-Fi, or internet provider, one is out of luck today on getting anything done at work or otherwise. Connectivity and convenience come at a cost. The thing is we are an out of sight out of mind society. There is (was) a clamor for electric cars, with disregard for the huge cost of mining the rare earth minerals, and Lithium and other elements, necessary to build the electronics and the batteries. Many of the mines are located in South America or Africa with little concern for the environment or, worse, for the human toll of child labor working in the mines. 

Baby boomers have significantly defined the nation, simply by the sheer mass of its generation. Some figures point to 1957, the year of my birth, as the largest population birth in the nation at 4,308,000 with births per 1,000 population being 25.3.  By contrast, the largest Millennial cohort was born in 1990 at 4,179,000 but with a birth rate of 16.7. Baby boomers, and later generations have continued to spread out births as women continue to give birth later in life. Further, the national birth rate is at an all time low. Low birth rates will have an effect on the economy. In fact, due to a variety of factors, college enrollment has been on a steady, but gradual decline since 2010. Graduate school enrollment has increased slightly. Some of the two year college campuses in Wisconsin have closed, others are trying to reinvent themselves, and still others not sure of what to do. 
Population Pyramids in 2000, 2010 and 2020 for the US
US Census Bureau

Demographic change is part of reality. It is estimated that the state of Wisconsin will lose over 200,000 persons over the next 25 years. Dane County is expected to see a significant increase in population. This will pose significant issues of housing, and services in much of the state, but rampant growth, and the other side of a coin for housing and services in Dane County. Housing will become a distribution issue too many in rural areas of the state, and too little in a few urban areas. It will pose issues for school districts and state funding. Social security was based on retention of a population pyramid, which is starting to invert, leading to catastrophe for that important government program that many seem to simply ignore.

Demographics are important. Social and economic trends were moved by the Baby Boomers. Today, those same boomers seem to be driving sales of portable CD/DVD players so as to view what was on a common method of storage for computers. That DVD drive desired by a dozen of my demographic at a Best Buy store in the Minneapolis area, is a sign of larger societal trends, in technological and demographic change. I am not the only old guy, that demographic, that needed a device to view our old stored photos or genealogical materials.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Celebrated in the Christian world on January 6 the Feast of the Epiphany marks the arrival of the Maji to visit the Christ child. Often referred to as kings or wisemen, Maji is perhaps the best descriptor. The Little Drummer Boy movie, and many traditional works of art depict them still in the manger. But, Matthew places the event in a house. Someone was sufficiently kind to offer a house to the family after Jesus' birth. The Epiphany lacks detail, making its historicity in question, but that can deflect from its wider message.
Google images

The Maji have been described as kings, astrologers, professors, Persian priests, and I have even heard them described as lawyers. Fr James Martin, says New Testament scholar Fr Daniel Harrington indicates that Maji is the most appropriate term and they were probably some type of Persian priest. Due to the lack of detail in the Gospel, to there is some discrepancy is an understatement. There is a saying that if the three Maji were women, they would have asked for directions, cleaned the stable, brought a casserole and did other chores. I am not sure how they could ask for directions, since the Maji did not know who they were really looking for. The star was their compass. The thing is most people tend to think of gold, frankincense and myrrh as odd gifts. However, Frankincense and myrrh are important essential oils and could be used for healing--calming and soothing purposes--which Mary may well have found useful after having given birth in less than acceptable circumstances. Further, the gold may have been helpful as they had to journey to Egypt, which, quite frankly, may involve bribes to get to Egypt and back for whatever time they spent there.
Google images

Matthew's Gospel account mentions following a star, but the director of the Vatican Observatory says too little information is provided to account for what type of celestial event this could have been. It could have been a supernova, a comet, or a conjuncture (where two planets align). It could have been a Helios, a calculated day time astronomical event. Yet, does the star really matter to the overall story being told in the Gospel? As the priest who gave a homily at mass this past weekend noted the larger message is that Christ came for all. He went on to say that on the day of his birth, shepherds visited him, and they were Jewish. After the birth, Christ is visited by the Maji, who were not Jewish. Hence, the message coming from the Gospel is that Jesus came for all persons, not just Jews, but Gentiles (non-Jews), too.
Dec 2023 alignment of star, moon and planet
Some have referred to this conjuncture as the Star of Bethlehem
Source: Forbes

Fr Harrington says "the historicity of these episodes is an open question that probably can never be definitively decided.”  Fr Martin, in a Facebook post, agreed with the homilist at my mass last Saturday evening. Martin provides further evidence when he says to "Remember that Matthew’s Gospel ends with the command of the Risen Christ to “make disciples of all the Gentiles” (28:19). Fr Martin, however takes this point even further when he writes:
The Maji's path to belief and, more specifically, to belief in the newborn King, to whom they would pay homage and offer gifts, was “a long journey.” So is ours. It can take us a long time to come to a place of peace about our faith. For some people, it’s easy, but for most of us it’s a lifelong quest. And I sometimes think of those camels—“galled, sore-footed, refractory”—as an image of our church. The church carries us to faith, but it’s sometimes a bumpy ride.
But in the end, as the Magi discovered, the journey is worth it—worth everything we can give to it. It is something that, as the Book of Isaiah tells us, will make us “radiant” once we discover it. Because the end of the journey is not a destination but a person: Jesus Christ.

In the Western World we desire everything to be properly bundled and authenticated. Yet, the Gospels are stories set to better our us, our community and our human condition. The story of the Epiphany is not about the gifts brought, but that Christ welcomed all, and about a faith journey. Desiring authentication of all parts of the Epiphany story can take away from that larger message.

“Let us ask the Virgin Mary to help us so that, imitating the shepherds and the Magi, we are able to recognize Jesus close by, in the poor, in the Eucharist, in the abandoned, in our brother, in our sister.”
--Pope Francis, 6 Jan 2025

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Naughty Boy

This past Sunday the Catholic Church celebrated the Feast of the Holy Family. I always chuckle a bit at the cycle C Gospel reading from Luke which was read this past Sunday. It is one of the Gospel readings where Christ's humanity comes out. It shows that a twelve year old boy 2000 years ago is not unlike a 12 year old today. Today, as then, twelve year old children are desirous to start to make their own way, and that means they may be naughty, at least in the eyes of the parents.

To set the scene, Jesus traveled with his parents, Mary and Joseph, to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. The scripture says it "was according to festival custom." Jerusalem was about 100 miles from Nazareth and due to thieves people often traveled in a caravan, that is a group of persons. I suspect, Joseph and Mary and a few relatives were with them making up the caravan, with others on the route to Nazareth or beyond. At the time, Nazareth was a small village. The Gospel says, in part, "After they had completed its days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, but they did not know it." They thought he was elsewhere in the caravan and they looked up and down the many pilgrims and found he was not there. They then returned to Jerusalem and found him, three days later, in the temple. It is supposed that Mary and Joe spent the night with the Caravan before returning to Jerusalem the next day. 

Painting from 14th Century Siena, describing 
the incident at the Temple.
Notice the scowl on Jesus' face

Jesus was not just hanging out in the temple, but was found "in the midst of teachers, listening to them and asking them questions."  and it goes on to report that "all who heard him were astounded at his understanding and his answers." I guess being the son of God helped.

Then comes the best part. The Gospel gives words, but words alone lack intonation, tone, or the type of voice Mary used, but the Gospel has her saying: "'Son why have you done this to us? You father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety.' And he said to them, 'Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?'"  I find this kind of a sassy answer, sure he is the son of God, but he could provide a bit of respect to Mary and Joseph. There was no "Sorry." And, what is Joseph to make of the whole deal? Here is correctly points to his father as God, but poor stepfather Joe must have felt rather small. The Gospel goes on to say that he returned to Nazareth with them, and was obedient. Yet it also records that his mother kept all these things in her heart. I wonder if it was her heart or her mind. I mean, really, if she was like my wife this incident would be placed in the recesses of her mind to be brought out at the appropriate time. If Jesus was a free-range kid in present day United States, law enforcement and the FBI would be out helping with the search. Pope Francis says Mary was right to begin with a question, before denouncing his behavior. I too would have begun with a question, but more emphatic, like "What in the world (replace with a four letter word that begins with H) were you thinking?"

There are two other occasions that come immediately to mind of Jesus being somewhat naughty or sassy. One, is when he overturns the tables of the money changers in the temple, which perhaps is excusable. Yet, pilgrims often provided offerings of money so was getting a change doing a service for the many pilgrims that went to the Temple? The other time is at Cana, during the wedding. After Mary tells him they have run out of wine he gives this: “Woman,” he says, “what concern is that to you and to me?” Fr James Martin commented on the harshness of this language: "For those who doubt the harshness of that language, the Greek phrase ascribed to Jesus at Cana ("Ti ēmoi kai soi?") is the same that a demon shouts at Jesus in Luke ("Ti hemin kai soi?"). Basically, 'Who are you to me?'"  Yet, Mary plays it cool, she simply put her son in his place by telling the servants to "Do whatever he tells you." Jesus is left having to perform his first miracle or disobey his mom. I suspect it was an easy choice. I think he chose wisely, or else she would have reminded him of what did at age twelve and some type of argument would have ensued which Jesus would never win. Although, Jesus being God, probably already knew she would bring this up. The point being, a man cannot win an argument with their wife, or their mother. Not even Jesus. 

Discussing the reading on the way home from mass last Saturday night, my wife was non-cholent at Jesus' waywardness. I said, if it was one of your kids at twelve, it would be a different matter. She said God was protecting Jesus. Heck, she is perturbed when our kids do not respond to a text she sent. So imagine what she would be like if one of them were lost for three days. She had anxiety when the three of us were at the Boundary Waters for ten days or so. I guess, it is different for Jesus.

There is the old saying "You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you cannot pick your family." One reading for the Christmas Vigil mass is the genealogy of Jesus. It goes back to Abraham, meaning about 42 generations from Jesus. What this also shows is there were in fact some ne'er-do-wells in Jesus' lineage. As Fr Ron Rollheiser has written: 

We see, for example, in Jesus’ genealogy a number of men who didn’t exactly incarnate the love, justice, and purity of Jesus: Abraham unfairly banished Ishmael and his mother, Hagar, rationalizing that God favors some people over others; Jacob, by scheming and dishonesty, stole his brother Esau’s birthright; and David, to whom Jesus explicitly connects himself, committed adultery and then had the husband of his mistress murdered to cover-up an unwanted pregnancy and in order to marry her.

Imagine that, the son of God coming from a dysfunctional family? In other words, it is not unlike families today. I think if we all go far enough back there would be a few unsavory types. With its myriad of rules the Church seems to demand perfection, but even Jesus' lineage had characters who were nasty. As Fr Martin wrote this past week, 

In other words, while the Holy Family was holy, their lives were not free from stress, disagreement and even conflict. This should give us all hope for our own families. Not only does Jesus understand our struggles with our families, and not only is he with us in those struggles, but he doesn’t expect our families to be perfect. Holy? Well, with God’s grace, we can strive to be loving, charitable and forgiving and thus, we can aim for holiness.

Perhaps that is why the teaching of mercy should be one the church's greatest doctrine, because people are not perfect. Anxiety and stress can get to all of us. Heck, watching the Packers against the Vikings was a stress inducing event, even though one had to laugh at how poorly the Packers played, and Matt LaFailure coached for three quarters. Given this, I have to think God understood my getting upset at the Packers incompetence, from coach to players. 

The Packers committed penalties at critical moments. I guess those infractions were minor compared to Jesus not communicating with his parents that he desired to stay behind. But, he was a twelve year old, whose three days at that age, presaged, those involved in his death, and resurrection. The insolence of a twelve year old is really nothing new, and is probably built in our DNA. Children, people, even the son of God will be naughty at times. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

An Ounce of Mothers

It was a standard hot and humid August day in Rome in 1903, when Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto rose from his throne, near the end of the ceremony in which he was being installed as Pope Pius X. Pius X made his way from his seat and walked toward the crowd in the massive basilica. Attendees, wondered what he was up to. He stopped by an elderly woman in the front row, it was his mother. She was one of the few mothers still alive to see her son selected as supreme pontiff. As he approached his mother he held out his hand and he gradually leaned over her. He leaned not to give her an embrace or kiss her cheek, or thank her. No he whispered to her: "I would like you to be the first to kiss the ring of the fisherman." She kissed it, and then held out her wrinkled hand with her simple worn wedding ring and said: "Now, Giuseppe, you kiss this one. For if it wasn't for my ring, you would not have yours." The Spanish have a saying that an ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy and perhaps no example fits this saying than this exchange. A haughty, full of himself son getting a taste of humility from his mother. This exchange is pertinent during Christmas.

Church of the Visitation, Ein Karem

Christmas is celebrated on December 25, with a coopting of some of the pagan Roman Satunalia and winter solstice festivals.  The Gospel accounts give no exact date of Christ's birth, but they do give hints. Recently, daily Gospel readings have focused on Mary. After all, it is the woman who does all the hard work, while the man stands waiting for the baby to arrive. Born in less than sanitary environment, the conditions of the birth of Jesus presaged his ministry to the poor and outcastes. Rightfully so, moms take center stage this time of year, one example being the Gospel for the fourth Sunday Advent.

The Gospel reading for the fourth Sunday of Advent focused on Mary visiting her cousin Elizabeth. This required Mary to journey, likely on foot, over 100 miles from Nazareth to Ein Karem, which is near Bethlehem. Mary, had just become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. To avoid thieves, and for protection, a lone woman traveler would have likely joined a group or caravan. No companion is listed for teenage Mary, so I have to give her a great deal of courage to make the long journey, on foot, alone but for those in the caravan she joined. The reading is rather interesting as it focuses on a private conversation between Elizabeth and Mary. As one monk, Eric Hollis, OSB noted, it may well be the only scene in the New Testament where no men are standing around. He further wrote "...this is a moment of beautiful intimacy in which Mary and Elizabeth profess their astonishment at what the Lord has done for them."  

Church of the Visitation, Ein Karem

We all know that mother's have an extra set of eyes in the back of their heads. A mom lives in the real world, and see the conditions their children are exposed to, the hardships and the joys. Everyday she is surrounded by reality and its affects on her children. Mother's watch their children grow and I am sure the mom's get wisdom passed down to them from their children, as children obtain wisdom from their moms. Females have historically been the main caregiver for their children so their relationship with their children is more intense and greater depth. A mom obtains significant real world experience. They see, know and understand. They have a great knowledge of the human condition. 

Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem

A child is precious in the mother's eyes, just as a mother is precious in the child's eyes. This reality of the mother and child relationship is important. When a professional athlete gives thanks, the first person mentioned is the mother. This relationship has a great power and capability to better form the world. Mother's are nurturing and a psychologist, commenting on the recent school shooting in Madison, WI, noted that female shooters are rare, in part, she said, because girls are taught from an early age to be nurturing. Killing goes against the nurture. Part of me wonders if it is also the tribal make up from our early ancestors of hunters and gatherers where it is has become part of our inherited DNA? Women cared for the children and gathered, while the man hunted. 

Tradition holds this marks the birthplace of Christ.
Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem

I think all of this points to the reason why the Spanish have that saying, as apparently do some other ethic groups. This saying may well be true and shows what the church loses due to its male dominance, where one mother is equal to 16 clergy. Think how much more depth the church would have if women were more involved. Priests live in their own cocoons, and with the now young radical-traditional priest mindset taking over, they are becoming less and less of the world. They shut themselves off more and more from reality, creating an alternate universe in which they thrive with like minded persons. The cocooning leads to lack understanding of relationships and how people navigate the world. Clericalism sets them on a pedestal, but at great expense to the operation and ability of the church to minister. They are brought in after the tragedy to perhaps comfort the afflicted, but they do not have the same relationship and experiences of a mother. 

St John the Baptist Church, near Ein Karem

Let me take a few examples. First, one of the newly formed pastorates in the Madison diocese, although not alone in this, prohibits females from being altar servers and Eucharistic Ministers. It is reported that at one mass, shortly after the pastorate was created and priests assigned, there was a need of an additional Eucharistic Minister at a mass. A long-tenured female Eucharistic minister got up to perform the duty, but the rad-trad priest told her to sit down. He said, he will allow only men to distribute communion. This is the thinking of the young rad-trads, not just humiliating a person in front of the congregation, but brazenly being authoritative, without regard for the culture of the parish. Just jam it down the throats of the parishioners. People need no wonder why so many leave the church.

Of the three priests that serve that pastorate, they rotate funerals, and so a parish member cannot choose who says the funeral mass of a family member that passed away. A few months ago a man in McFarland passed away, and he has a son that is a priest. Rather than the funeral mass being at the McFarland Catholic Church (which is one of three parishes in the pastorate which rotates funeral masses) his mass of Christian burial was held several miles south at the church were the deceased's son is stationed. This, even though his father was a founder of the McFarland parish. Rad-trads often make it about themselves. You see this in the sermon excerpt the pastor this pastorate wrote for the WI State Journal and published Dec 24. Perhaps showing how insignificant the Catholic Church has become, he was the only Catholic priest to write, although of the other dominations there were two Lutheran and three Methodist ministers who were asked. 

Third, a young trad priest at a different pastorate was recently granted a sabbatical for several months and he will not return to that pastorate. Besides making one wonder what is going on, I am not sure why the guy is getting such a long sabbatical, when many senior clergy members have never had one. They have to be coddled, I guess. 

The clergy today set themselves above the parish members, they like their own little world running around in their birettas and soutanes as members of their own subculture. Their self-importance certainly conflicts with the message of Pope Francis who desires a clergy that has the smell of their sheep. Instead the young clergy are about as opposite as one can get from this desire. This is the whole problem, they lack understanding of the real human condition and they purposefully try to set themselves out and above the world. In other words, they are the opposite of a mom. I wonder how many young priests do this to compensate for an inferiority complex? Making the matters worse, this subculture is promoted by the Bishop. Clericalism is the root of evil in the Church and, rather than waning, it is being reinforced in much of the US and other countries.

Manger Square

In the time of Jesus, childbearing was important. Elizabeth met with much scorn from not having produced an offspring for so long, and Mary was viewed in contempt as having conceived out of wedlock. Another commentator quotes Nancy Rockwell who has written that "Hiding within the wonders of Christmas area  thousand years of doctrinal female subjugation, doctrines, which like tinsel, are dripped all over the season of Christmas." Elizabeth would not live to see her son beheaded, but Mary would be at the foot of the cross. Mary stayed by her son through his humiliation and horrendous death while his male apostles, cowered in a room. And, the apostles, so it is said, being male, means that only males can be priests.

With the new radical traditional priests and their heightened misogyny, perhaps the ratio of mothers to clergy goes from 1:16 to 1:32.  People desire more than a misogynistic priest. One ounce of mother is worth more two or three pounds of clergy in the Madison diocese. The church needs more woman like Pius' mother who was not afraid to put her elevated son in his place. 

May all have a Blessed Christmas!

Images by author, April 2013.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Drummer Boy

My mom really loved Christmas. She would decorate the house, making sure to place a mini-creche set in each bedroom. She would lay out the ornaments on the dining room table to get ready for all of us kids to help decorate the tree. There were a few ornaments, such as her peach that only she would put on the tree. She also liked the holiday specials, and in particular some of the kid ones, which she enjoyed watching with us. One of her favorite television specials was "The Little Drummer Boy." 

The main household creche set, placed in the living room, was comprised of Hummel figurines. My mom collected Hummels, and she would pull out one from her shelves, and place it with the creche, that was a figurine of a drummer boy. 

Hummel figurine 
of Drummer Boy
Source: E-bay 

One reason I think she liked the drummer boy is that it featured a little boy; having given birth to eight boys, particularly since the first seven of her ten children were boys, boys were all around her. She was, before the term has become popularized, a "boy mom."  Her favorite "Peanuts" character was not Charlie Brown, Linus or Schroeder, but Pig Pen. Everyone could recognize Pigpen for he has a cloud of dust following him. The Drummer Boy held a special place in her heart, and I think this will explain why.

What we know as the Little Drummer Boy was actually first written as the Carol of the Drum, in 1941 by Katherine Kennicott Davis, and was first recorded by the Von Trapp family singers in 1951, yes, that Von Trapp family. Oddly, inspiration for Davis came when she was trying to take a nap. It was a popular song for several years, At some point the name was changed, and Davis did not care for the retitled song, calling it "cutie cute." The song's main success came with an arrangement by Perry Simeon in 1959. The song was further popularized by the 1968 by the stop motion (animated film technique) movie. This is what I most often recall, but I am sure the song was on one of the Christmas records (vinyl in millennial lingo) she had. 

This story, of course, is not in the bible, and really did not exist until near the mid-20th century with the carol and later with that television special. The story is like much of our traditions, embedded with myth, which help bind us to a common culture. Joseph Campbell has written about myth and how it binds and ties culture and symbols. He wrote (

The mystical (or metaphysical) function inspires in the individual a sense of awe and gratitude in relation to the mystery dimension of the universe. 

The cosmological function presents an image of the universe that links local knowledge and individual experience to that mystery dimension. 

  • The sociological function validates, supports, and imprints on the individual the norms of that society.

  • The psychological (or pedagogical) function serves to guide each individual through the stages of life, within the context of that culture.

 Drums, and music at large often play to our myths, as help form a shared culture. No one really knows why Davis chose a drummer, but a Hark broadcast, which you can find (with perhaps a bit of scrolling)

here, suggests it is related to the drummers common in Civil War and other war times, when the instruments were used to guide movements in battle. My wife's 5th great grandfather, Simeon, was a drum major for part of his service in the Revolutionary War. We should recall that in the era of the Revolutionary and Civil wars there was not recorded sound (perhaps a tough idea for the I-generation to recognize), so music heard was from a performance. Music is important to our culture and it plays apart of bonding a group together. One hundred years people still relied on live music, and probably explains why my grandfather (b 1887) learned varied instruments. Drummers, and musicians during the Civil War were viewed as having the values of piety and patriotism, per Hark. However, this is conjecture, but I suspect the use of drummer boy is more related to the fact that drums were and are often used to announce an event. When watching a band in a parade, the drums, while not first, are always playing, while the wind instruments take a break. 

Little Drummer Boy in Television Special
Source: Google Images

The little drummer boy is used to announce the birth of Christ. In the television special the boy is an orphan, with little to offer Christ. He has no frankincense, gold or myrrh. He has only himself and a drum (well a lamb). And here is where his gift to Jesus is offered from the depths of his heart. He asks if he may play his drum for him (Christ), and tin the next verse comes the answer, "Mary nodded."  Then, as Hark says, here is he kicker "He smiled at me" and the Hark guest goes on to say "Isn't that what every Christian soul longs for--to be smiled at by Jesus."  The host of hark then quotes a Jesuit priest who once said, "Behold the one beholding you and smiling." 

The Little Drummer Boy in the television show had a hardened heart due to the death of his parents, his heart became filled with joy, and he smiled, upon playing for the Christ child. Given what happened in Madison this past Monday, we all could do with a more joy. Even in the most difficult of times Christ still smiles on us.

It is an orphaned peasant who shows that the best gifts are those that we have within ourselves. I think that is why my mom liked the Little Drummer Boy. My wife most cherishes the ornaments our kids made for her when they were young, as they came from their hands and heart. Christmas is primarily a time to recognize that Christ was born to give us himself. Culturally this is recognized through gift giving to others. My mom, like most moms, give much of themselves to their children, and perhaps this is why she so much liked Christmas. The little drummer boy understood that level of giving, although it took a heart melted by the smile of the incarnate baby to realize it.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Our Lady of Paris

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris, better known as Notre Dame, reopened this past weekend following a remarkably fast five year restoration, during a world-wide pandemic which slowed construction, to bring it back to its glory from a destructive fire that ruined the whole roof and collapsed many of the vaults. A magnificent wonder of medieval architecture its construction was started in1163, and completed in 1345, it was one of the most visited structures in the world. It is considered the geographic center of France from which the road system is numbered. But, it is more, as even highly secular France saw the need for its restoration as it symbolizes the country, and a Christian past, more than any other landmark, including the Eiffel Tower. 

Restored Interior
Source:  BBC

This symbolism goes back to the medieval era, when cities and towns vied with each other for cathedrals or basilicas for the greater glory of God and the church. As French author Bernard-Henry Levi wrote at the time of the fire about the Cathedral-- (Notre Dame is) "the France of the Resistance, of Europe, and literature. It's the Gothic holiness and the softness of the Seine. Faith and beauty. Aragon and Hugo. This morning, in the face of the gigantic fire? Hugo said: 'time is the architect but the people are the mason'." The Eiffel Tower lacks the history of Notre Dame in the events it has held over the years. From its significant destruction during the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution, Napoleon crowning himself, or its bells ringing as it was freed from German occupation, it has seen destruction and restoration over the centuries. While under the control of the French government it is still a religious place of worship, and for its significance, both religious and secular to be recognized in France of today says something of its draw to the population. It is a reminder to us of the power that buildings have in our world.

Front of Notre Dame, Nov 2024
Source: AP

Structures represent ideas and provide a sense of the tangible to concepts that lack physicality, the ability to touch. The attack on the US Capitol on 6 Jan 2021 is not so much about the building being violated by rioters, but rather by the attack on the idea of the three branches of a democratic-republic form of government of the United States set forth in the Constitution. Tangibility is also why people do not wish to see a parish, sometimes in their family for generations, closed. The parish church is representative of the values they hold, or held to their heart. It is a reminder of what were once often key events in a persons life--baptism, confirmation, marriage, and funerals. 

Western Rose Window
Source: AP

Buildings are part of human nature. We make them, we destroy them, we restore some of them. They are part of our being and an expression of our values. Noted geographer Yi-Fu Tuan once wrote that space becomes place when we endow it with value. Buildings become place by the memories they bring forth, by what we treasure from them. As secular as the French, and the west, may be, they still recognize the importance this structure plays as place. Place is embodied in the building, or site, but it is the values that are expressed that create the place. 
Archbishop of Paris Knocking for doors to be opened
Ritual where the Bishop takes hold of the Cathedral

Places do not have to be buildings, but as buildings go, this is a wonder. From its large stain glass windows, made possible at the time by building innovations such as flying buttresses and the rib vault, to the works of art contained within. It original roof was referred to as "The Forest" for each of its over 1,000 beams was from a single oak tree in France (in the 12th century sourced from a then 52 acre woods). Its restoration using oak was remarkable, due to a couple factors. First, an intense study of the roof structure for a university thesis which detailed the structure, followed by laser 3-d imaging. Second, as the forest preservation work of the country of France that allowed straight knot free oak to be once again obtained. Cut down and hued by hand, the forest was restoration followed the same old joinery techniques. Today, the forest was replicated often using similar techniques. One thousand trees for the roof, and another 1,000 for the recreated spire.
Baptismal Font, present time design
Source: AP

For its restoration CNN, writing on Dec 5, found similarity of numbers: "After more than 2,000 days’ work – involving 2,000 people, 2,000 oak trees and 2,000 features restored or rebuilt – the world got its first glimpse of “Our Lady of Paris” last week...." The chief architect for the Cathedral has said he first thought the five year time frame could be met when he saw the decent condition of the windows, and the organ. Interestingly, some new stain glass windows will be installed in 2026, representing images of Pentecost. The new windows, opposed by the Historical Commission, were apparently first suggested by the Archbishop as a manner to reflect the restoration, and that suggestion was accepted by the French President. Some sources say it was President Macron who first suggested some new windows, so I am not sure what is authoritative in the instance.

The fire brought to the fore abilities lost in a time where computers now take the duty of where and how to guide a saw to cut wood. The beams were hewed by hand, and cut by hand. Every stone, every piece of tile was inspected and cleaned. Some stone, marble and tile replaced. A great deal of tuck pointing occurred. Man of the famous gargoyles, which actually date from the 18th century, are new. More than 1,000 works of art were cleaned. Matching and comparable Lutetian limestone had to be found to match the original stone quarried in and around Paris during the original construction. The stone for restoration was sourced from France’s Oise region and cut in Gennevilliers. Barges were used to float the stones down the Seine to near the Cathedral. 
Evening of Dec 7, right before Reopening Ceremony
Source: NBC

Back in 1990 when my wife and I visited the Sistine Chapel a major cleaning and restoration had just been completed of what is perhaps the most famous artwork in the world--Michelangelo's frescoes.  Drawing controversy, including our tour guide, who said it went too far with its bright and vibrant colors, the thought was that bright colors were not possible at the time. The same claim has been made about the cleaning of not only Notre Dame's art, but its stone and tiles. Hundreds of years of candle soot and air pollution darkened the works of art (paintings here, frescoes in the Sistine Chapel) the stone and marble. For some reason, perhaps relating to modern negative views of the medieval era, people seem to think that everything was dark and bleak. But, they did have vibrant colors and the masters used it well. I think our tour guide and those who complain about Notre Dame need to take a deep breath and appreciate what was done hundreds of years past. People complain the whole of Notre Dame is now too clean, gone are the dark tones to which they had become familiar, replaced with a majesty that takes its rightful place for the French. It is once again anticipated to be one of the most visited buildings in the world, as they now anticipate 15 million people a year to visit.
Contrast Apr 2019 to Nov 2024
Source: AP

The Cathedral, owned by the government was falling into a state of disrepair, and it has now been transformed, but beyond that there are some positives first, a thousand works of art buried below the floor have been recovered, a task of digging the floor out would not have occurred without the fire.  No one has explained how they got there, perhaps it was during the reign of terror. Second, the fire has allowed, with the restoration new smoke and fire detectors and some suppression systems to be put in place, particularly in its new forest. Third, it has seen a revival of old masonry, woodworking, stain glass and other crafts, yet bonding old with the new.
Source: Notre Dame de Paris

The restoration is not inexpensive, I have seen varied cost estimates from $737 million to near $1 billion. The funds have been privately sourced from people the world over. But, lets put cost into perspective: the football stadium in Los Angles for the Rams and Chargers, completed a few years ago, cost over $5 billion. Granted, this is not as large, and is not a fully new structure, but, on the other hand, it is 860 years old. I doubt So-Fi stadium will last even 75 years. Every stone, every joint had to be cleaned and inspected, and if doubtful replaced. The new religion of the United States is sports, as can be seen by the value to construct new sport stadiums; remember space becomes place due to our values. Then there is the destructiveness of war.  Conflicts go against the beauty and majesty of Notre Dame and what it has represented for most of its 860 years than war. The United States has contributed, depending upon source, over $89 billion to $183 billion to Ukraine for its war with Russia. This does not include money from other countries, mostly in Europe, to Ukraine. As of March 2024, Western Countries have pledged over $380 billion, mainly military aid, to Ukraine. As for Notre Dame, people from over 150 countries have donated 846 million Euros to its restoration.

Ukraine War, US contributions
Source: Ukraine Oversight

Is the cost of preserving a United Nations World Heritage site worth it? I would have to say yes. The world would be a different place without Notre Dame, after all it drew 12 million visitors a year before the fire. People are attracted to see that building. France would lose part of its tie to a historical past that helped frame the country, if it were gone. If the US Capitol, or the state capitol were damaged by fire, I like to think they would be restored. If hundreds of billions of dollars can be spent on destruction and mayhem of war, is a billion so bad for a building that represents a nation's soul? France watched as the bells were put back in the north tower. People awed at the use of the largest crane in Europe placing the new spire, reconstructed like the one built in the 1800's, put back in place. The sad emotions expressed at seeing the fire in April 2019 is now replaced with admiration at what masons, woodworkers, architects, artisans, and other contractors have been able to undertake in such a short span of time. The original builders would look in wonder at the new construction methods, cranes over windlasses, computers over rulers and triangles. The original construction was a mark of human achievement, to be undertaken, and rebuild a knowledge base of the original methods is also a marked achievement. I have to think the original workers would be pleased to see Our Lady of Paris smiling once again. The smile of Our Lady produces a light within a world darkened by war. Such glorious structures mark a measure of human achievement and like Our Lady, we all can do with some good news.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

Nov 15, 2024 Our Lady of Paris Statue being returned 
to the Cathedral, as 1,000's joined and watched.
Spared by the fire, even though surrounded by rubble.
Source: NBC

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Turkey Day

We are now almost a week beyond Thanksgiving, that uniquely American day which now involves football more than gathering with family and friends. Even though the NFL has co-opted Thanksgiving and other holidays, does not mean the lack of turkey to eat. I was in charge of cooking the turkey this year, and my wife encouraged me to go out of my comfort zone and cook it the way our neighbors do. For some reason, I found myself out of my comfort zone a few times this past holiday weekend.

Turkey is the main staple of Thanksgiving, and it is a big business, such that almost $1 billion is spent on turkeys for Thanksgiving. That amount makes a great deal of sense when one considers that 88% of the US population will consume turkey on Thanksgiving. My wife's sister and her husband and their family are one of the 12% as they had smoked ribs for the feast. If they are concerned about tryptophan putting them to sleep, turkey gets a bad rap as many other foods have higher levels including some seeds. I have to realize that not everybody likes turkey as much as I do. 

Sleep factor
Source: WI State Journal

Minnesota is the top turkey producing state in the nation, hence when the bird flu strikes it can decimate a population and rapidly spread. What I find interesting is that of the top eight turkey producing states four are in a north-south line generally west of the Mississippi River (the river starts in central MN, but I will consider it west for the most part). These  four states are Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas. I am not sure what factor led to this, but it is not likely climate or geography since climate is more similar by latitude than longitude. It could be the spread of turkey innovation. I am surprised that Illinois is not a greater turkey producing state, since the Bear's organization seems to hire them on a regular basis. 

Topo turkey producing states
Source: WI State Journal

What was not regular was the way I cooked the turkey. For all of my previous turkey cooking years, which is many, I cook it at 325 degrees (f) and regularly baste the turkey. My plan was to start cooking it in our oven, and later in the morning haul it to Sun Prairie in our Nesco roaster, where dinner was being held, to complete the cooking of the big bird. In place of cooking at 325, the plan changed at the urging of my wife. I first cooked it at 500, for about 25 or 30 minutes, and then turned the heat down to 350. Our neighbors recipe also calls for the use of a turkey triangle, to cover the breast, but leave the legs, thighs and wings exposed. It was not unusual for me at 325 to let the turkey brown and then cover it. Starting the turkey at the time of a 325 oven, was part of the plan since I did not know how long the Nesco roaster, which I pre-heated would hold its heat. I covered it with a towel and blanket to retain the warmth on the half hour dive to Sun Prairie. I think it took less than twenty minutes to get back up to the 350. Not knowing how much it would cool down, or take to get back up, I kept my timing, even with the new recipe at 325. In the end, the turkey completed cooking faster than the time dinner was planned, so I turned it down to warm and it actually stayed it was moist for dinner, which is a good thing. My wife complained about the left overs we ate on Tuesday night as being too dry. Perhaps sitting in the fridge for five days affected its moisture level.

Thanksgiving was the first of two turkeys we had that weekend. We were invited to Golden Valley, MN, the main turkey producing state in the nation, for the weekend. We departed Friday and came home Sunday. Friday, my son had smoked a turkey in the cold 10 degree weather, and then warmed it up in the oven the next day. It was really quite good. I do not recall ever having had smoked turkey before. 

Thanksgiving Day facts
Source: WI State Journal

I have never been to a fancy Thai restaurant before(, but we treated our son and his wife on Friday for his Dec 4 birthday) at a restaurant of his choosing, and he chose Latitude 14 in Golden Valley. It was quite good, and I went out of my comfort zone and ordered food which had ingredients I never heard of, it was a pad Thai. I also, went out of my comfort zone and added fried tofu. Then there was eating cranberry sauce my youngest son had made with some type of home-grown Scotch pepper. I hardly ever eat cranberries and hot food makes trouble with my digestive system, but this was quite good and not too hot. It had just the right spice level for me, which may be too little for other palates. 

The oddest thing was a soft drink my son's boss at Best Buy had given him--a Jones soft drink that was to mimic turkey gravy. Those of us who have had to prep for a colonoscopy, agreed with the first commentor that it was like the colonoscopy prep drink commonly used, and to which you add Crystal light lemon flavor. 

This Thanksgiving was adventurous for me, at least in terms of food. After a pleasant time in Minneapolis, the cold weather put a damper on outdoor activity, which I am limited by bad feet anyway. Coming home was pretty uneventful, except for the 15 mile long backup just beyond the Hwy 12 exit at the Dells. The backup did not show up on our car or my wife's phone GPS before we got stuck in it. It turns out it was caused by an Asian brand vehicle traveling about 45 or 50 with a small young woman leaning forward, both hands tight on the steering wheel at 10 and 2, as if she was scared to death of driving. I have to think she was out of her comfort zone more than I. The backup was long and slow. I kind of get it, a woman that appeared out of her comfort zone in heavy traffic and made the traffic much much worse by going so slow. I do understand that someone may not wish to push their Korean nameplate car too much, especially in cold weather, knowing how little tribulations they can take, but 45 or 50 caused a significant back up, such the person would have been better off taking back roads. Years ago I saw simulations, by WISDOT, of what a slow vehicle can do to cause a traffic back up and this was a fit to that simulation. 

For some reason I do not get as nervous driving in Minneapolis/St Paul as I do down to Chicago. Driving to Chicago reminds me of the line in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, when the Sean Connery character says to his son Indy, "My boy, we are pilgrims in an unholy land." I suppose it is the never ending traffic, or maybe the signs when I was younger of the Mayor's photo plastered all over the place.

Photo of former Chicago Mayor Richard Daily
"The Boss". Obtained for me in 1975 by my deceased 
Aunt and Uncle, Jeannie and Leo Sweeney

Turkey day began with me being out of my comfort zone in cooking and ended with a driver out of her comfort zone in I-90/94. I am still alive to live another day. To top it off, I only watched one half of a football game, preferring being with others than watching the Lions-Bears, or Cowboys game. Who would have thought that I would get out of my comfort realm on turkey day?