Friday, December 18, 2015

Drums of War, Drums of Peace

 This morning’s newspaper, the “Wisconsin State Journal” listed television specials that would be available over the next week. In scanning the list, I took note of some that I have never seen, such as “Santa Run Over by a Reindeer” among those that are now customary.  One has been made note of this year as it is celebrating its 50th season which involves the hapless boy and his wondrous dog—“A Charlie Brown’s Christmas”. Some will be on for at least the second time within the month. It is not unusual for a television special to be adapted from a popular songs, such is the case with the former. Indicative of how times have changed, one such television special that was made out of a popular song is not now in the listing. As a child it was my mother’s favorite Christmas television special, one she would make a point of wanting to watch. “The Little Drummer Boy” was adapted from a song first written in 1941, and first recorded by the Trapp Family singers in the mid-1950’s. Originally known as Carole of the Drum, it was retitled and popularized by Harry Simeon in a group called the Harry Simeon Chorale, in 1958. The television special premiered in 1968. It was a different time from today. The older baby boomers, who are now retired, would be just graduating from high school, and the largest year of the baby boom cohort would not even have reached teenage years. The large child cohort likely added to the popularity in the creation of the childhood-based television specials.
From television special, Little Drummer Boy
Source:  Google Images
It is not like Little Drummer Boy is not still popular. While it has been parodied, it is nonetheless being sung by groups more popular to the current millennial and X generations—with names such as Pentatonix. Even Justin Bieber has sung this tune. Yet, the original television special has fallen out of date. It may be its marionette style characters within a cartoon background, or it could be that its scenes of the Three Kings and a nativity scene are not as in vogue as they were in a more religious time. One popular takeoff of the song was in a Bing Crosby Christmas special, in the year that he passed, where he sang The Little Drummer Boy while David Bowie sang a tune particularly written for the occasion Peace on Earth. The story goes that Bowie only appeared on the show because his mother liked Bing Crosby. However, because he despised The Little Drummer Boy, song writers developed the words to be sung in accompaniment. That arrangement is now known as “Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy.”
Little Drummer Boy
Source:Google images

The two stories in that arrangement go well together. And the stories continue to have meaning in the world today. The Middle East is awash with strife. ISIS is ruling significant parts of Syria and Iraq, not to mention its attacks in the west. Christians are being forced to convert, be killed, or made to pay gold in accord with Islamic tradition. Muslims kill Muslims. In Israel, settlements continue on Palestinian land holdings, and more and more Christian Palestinians are forced out of a homeland they have known for over 2000 years and a land that gave birth to Christianity. But, the hate expands beyond the Middle East. Hindus are killing Christians in India, and in Africa Boko Harem, a group aligned with ISIS, continues to terrorize and kidnap Christians. Christians are being harassed by the Chinese government, well beyond church crosses being removed by the authorities. The drums of war, led by jihadists, are enveloping the world.
Israeli Settlement on land confiscated from Palestinians
Near  Bethlehem
Source: 2013 photo by author
In the television special of “The Little Drummer Boy,” a boy is orphaned when thieves kill his parents and torch his house. He escapes, but yet the event he experienced leads to his being misanthropic. Aaron become a refugee in the chaotic world of the Middle East during a time of a Roman census. What Aaron experienced in that Christmas special is similar to the actions taking place in the Middle East in current time. ISIS executes and enslaves not only Christians, but even Muslims.  There is one main difference, few children escape the capture of ISIS and instead are sold into slavery or made, against their will, to become soldiers in their jihad. ISIS is one of the main reasons for the Syrian refugee crisis. Aaron, with carnival troupe in which he hooked with in the desert, would come across the three Magi as they travel to Bethlehem to see the Christ child. While performing with the inept performers in Jerusalem, Aaron lets out a tirade of hate. He does not see kindness and caring, and if he did his hardened heart and soul would not fully recognize those actions. After the Paris attacks, and the thought-to-be lone wolf attack in San Bernardino, refugees from the Mid-East are facing a hardened heart of other nations concerned with the risk if not a terrorist entering, then the potential for radicalization once on their soil.
Steeple of the Church of the Nativity
Bethlehem, West Bank, Palestine
Source:  2013 photo by author
Aaron’s pet sheep is run over by a Roman charioteer as they attempt to reunite with a camel sold against Aaron’s wishes to the Magi. Knowing of their intellect and power Aaron assumes the kings can heal his pet sheep. But, the kind king bends down and tells Aaron only one other can heal his pet and points to the babe lying in a manger. Aaron possessed little. He had no gold, frankincense or myrrh. But, he did have a talent of playing his drum.  So that is what he does. The light of Christ shines on Aaron and Babaa. His heart and soul softens upon seeing that baby boy lying in a manger. Christ brought peace to Aaron’s heart. Near the end of their Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy rendition both Crosby and Bowie together sing:
Every child must be made aware
Every child must be made to care
Care enough for his fellow man
To give all the love that he can
Manger Square with Church of the Nativity
Source: 2013 photo by author
The story of The Little Drummer Boy is about an orphaned refugee  of Middle-Eastern descent trying to find his place in what he views as a cruel and sinister world, but in the end it is about the gift of his kindness in sharing his talent by playing his drum.  But, more importantly, it is about the gift the light of Christ which leads to Aaron’s redemption. The mercy of God, in this Holy Year of Mercy. The world could still learn from the parable of The Little Drummer Boy. My mom would be disappointed that the show no longer plays. She would be disheartened about the strife in the world.  But, she would also have hope for days of glory brought on by the drums of peace.

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