Monday, November 29, 2021


It was on this date, in 1976, that I decided to grow a mustache. Every Thanksgiving, I am reminded of my mustache, because it was the Monday after that I started to grow a mustache, with one full day of growth. This year, Thanksgiving also reminded me that this would be my 45th anniversary of having a mustache. I started growing the mustache when I got back to college after Thanksgiving break.  Looking at a calendar, I found that Thanksgiving for this year (2021) aligns with Thanksgiving in 1976. Forty-five years, at least within my overall age, is a long time.


I am not sure why I decided to grow a mustache, and I know I never thought I would have it this long of time. I would have departed back to college on Sunday, November 28, 1976, and I would have shaved that morning before leaving. But, I did not shave the upper lip the next day, Monday, November 29,1976 that being the date I can turn to as having decided to grow the mustache. My wife has not known me without a mustache. Five years ago I thought about shaving it off thinking 40 years was long enough, but I could not bring myself to do so. I wonder how long it would take my wife to notice if I shaved it off.

There was one time I did shave it off.  It was just before Easter 1977, and I was trimming my mustache, and just could not get it right, and ruined it more than I helped it, so I decided to cut it off. Later that day I saw a teacher my youngest brother had in elementary school and she greeted me as Peter. Peter is several years younger than me, and I guess at age 18 that was not taken as a compliment, with no offense to Peter. Well, that was sufficient for me to grow the mustache back right away.  After that, if I mis-trimmed the mustache I would let it be. More recently it has gotten to the point that my wife, when she cuts my hair, now trims the mustache.  I would not have allowed that years ago when she first started cutting my hair. It took 30 years for me to trust her with the mustache.


The mustache has become part of my personality, I think.  On our wedding day, near Halloween, my college friends gave me a walrus mask. My walrus like mustache led to a beanie baby walrus gift one time.  I have to say my walrus mustache is not like the one Kansas City Coach Andy Reid has.  It could be worse, it could be a Fu Manchu style.  For some reason I have noticed that the Fu Manchu style is popular with firefighters, at least locally. 

Several years ago mustaches seemed to be popular. I had a nephew who got a game about mustaches, and there are pillows that play on mustache with a mustache emblazoned on a pillow and the words, "I Must Dash." Or something to that effect. Given this, it is just another example of how so far ahead of trends I have been. 


The mustache has grown old with me. It is has changed from a brownish-red to gray, but still is nice and full.  My hair has always been darker than my mustache, but unlike my mustache, I have a balding head. But, my hair, for the time being, is mainly its dark color, with tinges of gray. My hair has thinned so much over the past several years that my hairdresser no longer comments on my thinning head of hair. I think she is now resigned to the thinness of my scalp. In cold weather, I have icicles that will form on the mustache leaving behind water droplets when I come inside.  

Not counting that one error of a mis-trim near Easter in 1977, I can say 45 years a mustache.  I now enter another year. I could go to the grave with a mustache, or perhaps sometime I will shave it off. Time will tell.

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