Sunday, January 29, 2017

Watch It

Early last week I had the pleasure of taking my wife for a 9 am medical procedure.  The procedure is usually scheduled as a preventative measure, and is commonly provided upon turning age 50.  My wife had the procedure at age 50 and was nice and "clean" so she did not need the procedure for another ten years. Hence the reason for this visit.  I myself have not been "clean" and have had three such procedures; my last being a year ago.  Most informed persons probably know the procedure to which I refer.
Help avoid cancer, get your colonoscopy
The procedure was undertaken on the west side of Madison, in what is known as University Row.  Not knowing what the traffic on USH 12 , or as it is most commonly known, "the Beltline", will be we left early to assure prompt arrival for a 9 am appointment.  She was checked in at about 8:40 am.  After my wife sits down in waiting room, I was about to do the same, but she orders me to take a walk, even though I had walked earlier that morning.  Never one to disobey my spouse, particularly as she said it again, I went for a walk in the non-pedestrian friendly environment that makes up Madison's west side.  She had told me that there was no need to present as she was prepped, so I walked for about 25 minutes, returning after her appointed time and noticed she had been called back.  I inquired of the receptionist about the prep time, and she told me it is about 40 minutes.  Hence, I sat in the waiting room and figured I would get called back when the procedure was complete.  At about 9:35 I was thinking she was probably entering the procedure, when a nurse comes and gets me.  Oh, I thought, that was quick. In fact, she had yet to be taken back and was worried about me having not shown up in her room, so she asked the nurse to ask for me.  I then met the nurse who would be with her during the procedure.  
Clean the colon
Before the nurse wheeled her out I inquired if she noted her being a redhead and the additional anesthesia required.  Among other unique traits redheads need more anesthesia than non-redheads. She noted she had done so.  Redheads are thought to more sensitive to pain.  Appartently the MC1R gene that can cause red hair also is related to the family of receptors involved in pain perception, and may explain the sensitivity in a mutation MC1R gene to pain perception. A few minutes after my arrival she was led out of the room.  Given that her room was more quiet than the waiting room, I spent time reading and then watched a gardening show on PBS. As time passed she was wheeled back in.  She was quite awake already.  All went fine, but she did note that she had woke up during the procedure and was able to see her inner bowels on the screen, which she said was right in front of her face.   What a pleasant surprise, being able to see the inside of your large intestine.  The nurse said that is not uncommon that someone wakes up during the procedure.  My wife did note that they inquired if she was still comfortable, and she assured them she was.  The doctor appeared some time later and gave the all clear.  He explained, in the cost saving sort of way, if all is clear in the future there will be no need for the doctor to come in, the nurse will provide the information.
Rendering of in the colon
Last year I was not awake during any part of that procedure and the follow up one that goes down the front end,  Probably as the front end is done last, they are sure to keep one anesthetized.  Of course, it makes for some interesting antics.  When I arrived in the room, I, at least according to my wife, tried to crawl out of bed to get dressed saying, it was time to leave.  I to take her word for it, as with what the doctor explained, because I recall very little of what was said while in recovery. Every now and then my wife tells my "You are full of it" but during a colonoscopy prep, procedure and after, I rightfully am able to say "I am not."   In any event, my spouse got to watch part of her own colonoscopy as the scope probed in, out and about.  Talk about getting know your body better.  If you need to do so, get your colonoscipy and perhaps you too will be able to get a surprise peak inside yourself.

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